Monday 28 September 2015


There is no doubt that there is no general discipline among youths in our society. Indiscipline has reached a frightening proportion. The youth disrespect the elders and one often hears of students beating up their teachers.

The causes of indiscipline are not far fetched. Indiscipline starts when youths begin to disrespect their parents which may happen when parents neglect proper upbringing of their children. From there, they grow to disobeying constituted authority. Some parents go out early in the morning and return late at night, drunk. They exhibit many bad characters not worthy of emulation. Therefore, the home contributes manly to indiscipline in our society. 

Apart from home tutors influencing discipline, social influence or societal problem is another factor contributing to indiscipline among the youth in Nigeria. The society which is immoral and encourages indiscipline cannot produce disciplined youths. For instance, a society where there's a lot of gamble and fighting will only produce bad youths.
Nevertheless, this ugly situation of indiscipline can be eradicated and made moribund. All hands must be on deck to remedy the situation. Since indiscipline starts from the home, parents have a lot of work to do. They should consider proper training of their children their number one priority.

Another way of eradicating indiscipline is through religious bodies. They should educate the youths and the elderly alike on the consequences of crime and immorality. Another thing is that, the leaders should live a life worthy of emulation and set good moral standards. The society can change for better if our public officials can be disciplined and upright. If the changes start from the top, the level of indiscipline will be greatly reduced. Discipline should be encouraged among youths in Nigeria.

- Life is to be enjoyed and not to be endured!

Great Babalola

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