Monday 21 September 2015


Life is said to be a place where we face trials, torments and also a place where we face reality. But to me life, is just like a video game: you loose or you win. Most times I sit down and meditate so much about what life is to everybody. Some people were born with a sliver spoon, some were born with a clay spoon, while some were born without any spoon. In some cases life does not offers us what we desire but only gives us what we decide for ourselves. 

In some aspects life gave some people LIME and some LEMON. But most people do blame others for their misfortune in life. To me, you can change whatsoever life gives you. You can convert limes and lemons to juice. It only takes you to change your response to whatever life gave you. Life is not a playground but a place where you need to take decisions that are good for you, it is also a blank sheet on which you write whatsoever you want for yourself. It takes you to change you.

Life is to be enjoyed and not to be endured!

- Ifeoluwa Omole

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