Sunday 10 April 2016

Be In Control

Never be a slave to your emotions. No matter how much you love someone, be in control of your emotions enough to tell him/her off whenever they step out of line. I used to find it difficult to express my feelings to people I love and hold in high esteem out of fear of hurting them. But I discover that such people end up hurting me more till the relationship is negatively affected.

Another thing I used to do is to keep quiet after a while of expressing my displeasure to a loved one and there seems not to be a positive change in the person's actions. I just give up and endure so as to maintain peace.

With time, such people starts exhibiting more disrespectful and hurting behavior  towards me and everything goes downhill from there.

So experience has thought me never to keep quiet when I'm not okay with a person's  behaviour, actions or attitude. Life has thought me never to shy away from addressing important issues in my relationships in  bid to maintain temporary peace.

I've learnt that relationships grow stronger when issues are dealt with and not ignored or swept under the carpet. And relationships are destroyed when we allow issues to get out of control out of fear, timidity or cowardice.

It's only the courageous that gets the best out of everything. in life, we've got to be courageous to be happy.

Life is to be enjoyed and not to be endured!

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