Tuesday 19 April 2016

Stop Condoning Abuse

Most of us have not consciously taken time to know, accept and love our person. Instead of loving ourselves, we look for people to love. Forgetting that we cannot give what we do not have.  Instead of loving ourselves, we look for people to love us. Forgetting that we cannot attract what we do not have. How many of us count ourselves worthy of the good things of life? I know we pray and say with our mouths that we want these things, but do we really believe we are worthy of them and that we will truly have them? Or we just say good things with our mouth while in our hearts we believe something else. Do you know you're valuable as a woman?  Do you know you are valuable as a man? I ask these questions because in my course of work, I see a lot of people allowing other human beings to treat them like dirt, like nothing without actively seeking a way of escape. I see women that are beaten, starved and stripped naked and they still allow their perpetrators who call themselves husbands to exercise husbandly rights over them. What makes some women/men allow abuse, torture, and violence against their persons? Why do people in abusive relationships condone the evil acts of their abusers? Why are such victims excusing away the wicked deeds that strips them of their human dignity? Why do they lie to cover up for their abusers? Why are they making an enemy of anyone that tries to help them get out of the abuse they suffer? I was a victim of abuse at different times in my life. I was a willing captive until I started walking in love towards myself. Until I started believing in my heart that I'm worthy of love, respect and human dignity, I was not able to deliver myself from my abusers. When I started seeing myself as valuable, and worthy of good things, it became impossible to accept abuse and maltreatment from anyone. I am not standing in judgement of people that are condoning abuse in their lives presently, no one can force or hurry the process. When the right time comes, you won't need to be told what to do. I only hope we will not endanger our lives with delay. You can still fall in love with Yourself. It's never too late. Love yourself enough to say No to abuse. Life is to be enjoyed and not to be endured! 

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