I made a post in my women support groups on Facebook and Whatsapp two days ago in which I encouraged people to desist from acting nicely towards any person that offends them immediately after the offence so as to show their pain and displeasure to the offender. I stated in the post that such demonstration of displeasure will effectively pass across the message to the offender that his/her offensive action is unacceptable. I was not surprised by the general reaction the write up provoked in people. I got replies like - "It's not good to repay evil with evil", "Two people shouldn't be angry at the same time", "A woman must be submissive if she wants to stay married", and other similar comments. Only some few women made comments in agreement with my opinion.
I said I was not surprised by the general feedback I got on my post because I am well aware of the brainwash of Nigerians, especially because of what Nigerian women have been subjected to through our culture that has a permissive outlook towards domestic abuse and violence and religion that has been made weak by compromise. We have been brainwashed for so long, we are no longer real and realistic. We have become robotic in our speeches and responses, saying things we have been programmed to say and do, not what we actually do or believe to be the right thing to do. We have lost sight of the intents and purposes behind the injunctions and commandments in the holy scriptures, only following the interpretations given by mere mortals like ourselves who insist on obeying the letter and not the spirit of the word. We fail to personally understand and encounter the personality and mindset of the Creator we claim to know and obey.