Monday, 28 December 2015


There is a television show I love watching called Deal or No Deal. It's a show where risk taking is the order of the day and only the bold hearted and courageous get the best from it. Contestants are offered different monetary compensations at different stages in the show in lieu of staying on in the game and holding on to the possibility of winning the highest possible prize. The contestants that are lion hearted, bold and courageous hold on till they get the best possible offer, while the chicken hearted ones settle for less than they are worth. On the other hand, some over-confident contestants stay longer than they should in the game and end up losing totally or they suffer devastating loses. 

Life is like the Deal or No Deal television show. In life, we offer and are offered deals on a daily basis. Deals that will determine the quality and outcome of our lives. Deals on what to be, how to live, who stays or leaves our lives, the kind of people in our lives, the influence and control of culture and religion in our lives, the amount of power we give others in our lives, the amount of peace, happiness and wellness in our lives, the choices we make, the offers we give and accept or reject etc.

Some people take the first, second or third offer that comes their way even though they are not happy with it. They fear they might not be able to get a better offer, or they feel that they are unworthy of a better offer for one reason or the other. So they are willing to settle for just anything. And the desperation they feel towards life fails to let them realize how much they short change themselves by not daring to believe they deserve the best, are worthy of the best and can surely get the best if only they can be bold and courageous enough to say "No Deal" until they get a deal too good to refuse. A deal they can only say "Deal" to.

It's not about pride. It's not about building your castle in the air. It's not about time or being concerned about what people will say. It's about loving one's self. It's about believing in one's self enough to wait for the best deals in life. Don't ever be in a hurry. Don't ever succumb to pressure. Don't second guess or doubt yourself or worth. Always believe you are worthy of the best in life. Aim for the best and do not ever settle for less. 

There is no straight jacket about what is the best. What is the best for A is not what is the best for B. That's why we all owe ourselves the duty of knowing what we want in our lives at every point in time and go for it. Don't hesitate to say No Deal when confronted with what you don't want, or what you believe is not the best of what you want. We cannot afford to be beating about the bush wasting precious time. We cannot afford to be engaging in guess work as to what we want out of life. We cannot afford to leave our lives to chance or the will of other people. It's our lives and we must be responsible for it. We must be at the helm of affairs of our lives, actively involved in what goes on in it, saying "Deal" or "No Deal" as at when necessary. 

Don't be chicken hearted. And don't be over-confident. Be balanced, confident and true to yourself, knowing yourself enough to be able to recognize best deals to say "Deal" to, and not good enough deals to say "No Deal" to. 

Life is to be enjoyed and not to be endured!

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