Thursday, 17 December 2015


I was at an event recently where a middle aged man said with confidence that a woman that exposes her cleavage in a dress or shirt is issuing out an invitation to any interested man to molest or rape her. I was beyond shocked. My reaction wasn't because of the absurdity of what the man said alone, but the fact that many other men in the audience smiled and nodded in agreement! I hear parents and people generally justifying rape on the ground that the dressing of the victim is the reason for the crime. If the victim had been decently dressed, the rapist would have controlled himself.
Are we saying that the self control, self discipline and morals of men disappears at the sight of a cleavage? Then why is it that other men see women dressed in the same way but do not rape them? 

I can imagine some people thinking men have different levels of control. But the truth is rape has nothing to do with self control or discipline. Rapists don't rape because they couldn't control their sexual urges. They don't rape because of love. They don't rape because of indecent dressing (please keep in mind that I'm not justifying or excusing indecent dressing).

Rapist rape to control, oppress and damage their victims. It's a dehumanizing power play perverts engage in, to dominate and exercise control over other human beings they perceive to be weaker and vulnerable. If indecent dressing is the cause of rape, why are indecently dressed powerful women not being raped? Why won't a rapist rape the scantily dressed wife/girlfriend of a military man? How come he can control his urges with indecently dressed women that are in a position to ensure he pays for his crime? 

The crime of rape is not committed because the perpetrator lacked control, but because he wants to control, dominate and oppress someone he considers helpless, vulnerable and weak. Someone he can take advantage of without paying for it. The intention of a rapist is to damage, control, hurt, cheat, dehumanize, humiliate, oppress and torture his victim(s). No action or inaction of a rape victim can provoke rape. If it can, all men will be rapists. But we know that it is not all men that are rapist. A lot of men cannot rape a woman even if they wish to do so. The thought of inflicting pain on another human being is inconceivable to them. Not under any circumstances. 

So it is an irresponsible man with a hidden potential to commit rape that will shift the blame of the crime of rape on to the victim of the crime. And it is only women that have been brainwashed to believe a lie that blame victims of rape for the crime. No one deserves to be raped. Man or woman. Men are being raped nowadays by homosexual men. There is nothing as horrible as being sexually defiled and violated. A person that rapes is a criminal that is less than an animal. Even animals do not rape. It's time for us to be truthful with ourselves. Anyone that rapes is a murderer. Such people kill their victims without actually taking their lives, but turn them into living dead persons, until they are helped to deal with and recover from the trauma of the abuse suffered. 

The parents of perpetrators that shield their sons from facing the consequences of their evil actions will pay for it. And they will be paid by the same children they have helped turn to monsters.The parents that refused to get justice for their daughters and neglect to get professional help for them to deal with and recover from the rape experience will pay for it. They are paid by the same daughters that they failed and betrayed by not doing the right thing for them. The government officials that are paid to prosecute rape offenders, but fail to do so will pay for it. In ways that if they know, they will stop obstructing justice, but do their jobs as they are expected to. 

The victim that hides the fact that she was raped for fear of being stigmatized or blamed is going to pay for it. For she is denying herself the chance to get the necessary help she needs in dealing with the rape and recovering from all the negative effects of the traumatic experience. She might never have a healthy and satisfying sexual or intimate relationship with the opposite sex throughout her life, even in marriage.
To overcome any problem in life, there is a need to face the problem, address the problem, deal with the problem, confront the problem. Only then do we master the problem and find a lasting solution to it.

To be continued. . .

Life is to be enjoyed and not to be endured!

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