There are consequences for every of our actions, whether good or bad. There is nothing we do in life that has no consequence. That is why it's very important that before we do anything at all, we must think it through and decide whether we are ready for the corresponding consequence(s) of our action(s).
There is a price to be paid for every decision we take. There are no free lunches in life. Nothing good comes easy, it's the importance of a thing that determines whether we are willing to pay the price for it.
Nothing is free in life. Freedom, confidence, empowerment, success, achievement, healthy relationship/marriage, well mannered and trained children, fabulous career, comfortable lifestyle, happy life, etc, everything comes with a price. The willingness and determination to pay the price for what we want is what determines whether we are able to get it.
There are no super human beings. We are all equal in rights and dignity. We all have the ability to effect the necessary change we desire in our lives at our different levels of operation and status. However, our willingness to pay the price for our desires/rights/dreams/goals/ needs determines whether we achieve/access them or not.
No one can pay the price that needs to be paid for your desire/rights/dreams/goals for you. If they do, then the achievement is not really yours. You are an impostor. And the achievement can be taken from you by the one that paid the price for it at will. Don't get me wrong, we all need people to support, aid, assist, enhance and compliment our efforts in life, but the owner of the dream/right/ goal/desire pays the price for it.
What is it that you want in your life? What is that thing that has been at the top of your prayer list for years? What is that thing you are expecting a knight in shinning armor to come and deliver into your life? What is that obstacle you want out of your way? What is that source of pain and shame you fervently want out of your life?
The important question to ask yourself is "Am I ready to pay the price to have my heart desire? Am I ready to take responsibility for my happiness? Am I ready to take over the control of my life instead of leaving my life to chance, or the control of other people? Am I ready to place what I want above what people say? Am I ready to listen to my inner voice rather than to the loud external voices around that keeps drowning the inner cry for help and change? Am I ready to be true to myself even if it means being judged and condemned by people? Am I ready to delay gratification for a better future? Am I ready to despise acceptable norms and stereotypes for the singular purpose of finding and becoming who I am created to be?
The answer to these questions and more will determine how important your desire/right/dream/ goal/need are to you.
The prices to pay for these things vary and differ. It might be the sacrifice of time, sleep, comfort, loss of family and friends, loss of spouses that do not see eye to eye with you, loss of status, security, loss of everything familiar, etc. The good news is that if you pay the price, the peace, satisfaction, joy and fulfillment derived from achieving/enjoying your dreams/rights/goals/need make the pain and hardship of the price paid fade away.
Life is worth fighting for. Your dreams are worth fighting for. Your hopes, needs, aspirations, individuality, life, uniqueness, and rights are worth fighting for. And to enjoy, access, achieve, attain and become, we must be willing and ready to pay the necessary price that needs to be paid. A successful life is attainable only for the courageous and bold hearted. A double minded person cannot amount to much.
Life is to be enjoyed and not to be endured!
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