It's upsetting, to say the least when one's well planned and
laid out life is disrupted by the deception, carelessness,
irresponsibility and misdeeds of another person we gave access into our
lives out of love/trust. A lot of us have well defined ideas of how we want our
lives to be. The careers we want, the kind of husband/wife we want, how
many children we want, the standard of living we want, the type of
lifestyle we want for our nuclear family, how your religious life should
play out, the position we want to occupy in our spouse's life and so
Then we meet someone we believe, or are made to believe,
wants exactly what we want. We fall head over heels in love and get
married with excitement and expectation. Only for some of us to discover that the person we married
had deceived us. I'm not talking about minor white lies that have no
major consequences, but about life altering, morale killing, destiny
destroying and covenant nullifying deception. Deception of identify, of fulfilling the marriage vows, of character, of lifestyle, of religious standing, of background, etc.