Monday 18 January 2016


My name is Adeola Moses, a beneficiary of Human of Substance Empowerment Initiative's skill scholarship scheme.

First, I am very happy that the founder of HOSEI gave us the opportunity to express our opinion on what being a part of this initiative has been like. 

My experience has been a very wonderful and splendid one. It is like God used the founder as a helper to the youth, especially HOSEI youth. I have experienced and gained so many things. I have learnt that when you are in a difficult situation or face any problem, never give up easily, rather than giving up, tackle the problem and you will surely overcome. 

Furthermore, I have learnt that you must be a person of conviction, never be a liability to any man/woman, preserve yourself, co-ordinate yourself and also engage yourself in one business or the other before you get married. 

At my Vocational Training Center 
I learnt web designing and glad to say I have designed a website. I give all glory to God. I am very excited to have gained some experience working as a receptionist at my vocational training center. I learnt how to to attend to visitors and clients and also to approach people in a decent way. I have learnt that you must not depend on anybody, and be a focused person.

HOSEI has changed my life for good, I have a healthy sense of self worth and also have a vision about what I want to be. I am a changed person, with increased self confidence and a vision carrier. 

I pray the Lord Almighty will reward Miss Abiade Abiola in multiples, uphold and give her the strength to do more. As you have invested in our lives, God will invest in your life too.  God bless you and your family in Jesus name.

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