Monday 25 January 2016


There is a tendency to feel disadvantaged in life when we have one personal issue or the other that has not measured up to our expectation. It could be in our professional life, marital life, financial stability, health, child bearing, family problems, mental issues, spiritual well-being, workplace rivalry, body image and so on. Whatever might be causing you to feel disadvantaged is a distraction from experiencing and enjoying the fullness of your fabulous life.

You are not disadvantaged in anyway. For it's the combination of the positives and the negatives in your life that make you who you are. Everything in your life is a blessing and not a curse. While we strive to improve on and eradicate whatever is toxic to our well-being, we are not supposed to consider the presence of such toxic things/people or the occurrence of a negative event in our lives as a disadvantage. We might not be able to understand the reason(s) for their presence in our lives, we might not be able to see the total picture of events in our lives, but we should never, even in ignorance, consider ourselves disadvantaged compared to other people, because of the situation of our lives.

We are all on earth for different purposes. We have different mandates to fulfill. So we'll obviously face different challenges. While there will be similarities in our lives, there will also be differences. We are to celebrate both the similarities and the differences, positives and the negatives in our lives, and never to consider ourselves as disadvantaged in any way. No matter what you feel is lacking in your life, you are not disadvantaged. No matter the challenges and hardships you face in life, you are not disadvantaged.

We've got to have a right mindset and perspective to our lives for us to be able to maximize the potentials given to us. We have to completely accept and celebrate the totality of every element of our lives to be able to live a happy and fulfilling life. No matter our situation and circumstances in life my people, we are not disadvantaged. Say this to yourself loud and clear, over and over again- "I AM NOT DISADVANTAGED".

You are just a clay in the Master's hands, going through the stages of creation. A masterpiece growing from glory to glory. Undergoing changes that will ultimately culminate into a finished product, first grade finished product. You are not disadvantaged. Don't ever allow anyone to make you feel you are, not even yourself.

Life is to be enjoyed and not to be endured!

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