Wednesday 13 January 2016


It's not easy to let go when one is still in love or committed to a person that wants to leave. It's like being asked to rip one's heart out while still conscious. Like dying over and over again yet still breathing. But I have come to realize that no matter how good and sweet love is between two people, when it goes cold for one of the parties, it can never be the same for the other party still in love. The only way that relationship will continue to be the same is by the party in denial holding unto the memory of the way things used to be before one of them lost interest, to let go.

While it might not be easy to walk away from a relationship one is still very much interested in, it's something that must be done if the other party has lost interest or commitment to the relationship. Staying on when one is no longer wanted or valued will only take away one's self respect, dignity and pride. At most, (if the party who has lost interest lacks conscience) such a person will be relegated to be the side bae/chick, to be used and discarded at will.

One of the reasons we find it difficult to accept that a romantic relationship is over is because in our minds/hearts, we still believe the person jilting us is ours. But I tell you dear bro/sis, if he/she says it's over, you've got to let it sink into you that that person is not yours. Even if you believe he/she is, until he/she shares your belief, you have to let go and move on with your life. How long do you want to hold on to the past?  How long are you going to yearn for someone that has forgotten you exist? How long are you going to keep holding unto a dead relationship?

Don't you think it's time to let go and live again? Life goes on. Don't waste your life living in sorrow, regrets and depression. Stop sabotaging your life by chasing away fresh opportunity to happiness, by stubbornly holding unto someone that has let go of you. If you believe a person is yours and that person wants to go away, you let the person go. If he/she is yours, he/she will come back. If he/she comes back and meets you happy with someone else, or he/she never comes back, then that means he/she wasn't yours in the first place. Not everyone that comes into our lives will stay in our lives till the end. No matter how close, intimate and dear a person is to you, if they've finished their role or part in your life, they will leave. While this can be very painful and sometimes hard to accept, it's part of life. We must accept and expect it.

Those people that stay with us throughout our lives at whatever stage they got on board are the ones meant to stay. Those that leave, are meant to leave. However, we need the ones that leave for a proper/better appreciation of those that stay. We should learn not to hold on to people too tightly. If they are meant to stay, they will, no matter how loosely we hold them. If they are meant to leave, they will, no matter how tightly we hold on to them. So why don't you relax and let events occur naturally. Love and enjoy those that stay, release and wish well those that want to leave. Keeping in mind that those who truly belong to you will never leave you. If they leave, they will surely come back to you.

While events reveal over time which is which, live and enjoy. Seize every opportunity to make the most out of your life. Stay true to yourself and don't ever place anyone that has shown not to care above yourself or your interest.

Life is to be enjoyed and not to be endured!

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