Friday, 8 January 2016


Rights, one of the free gifts in life. 
*Rights to universal enjoyment of Human rights, non-discrimination and recognition before the law.  
*Rights to human and personal security.
*Economic, social and cultural rights. 
*Rights to expression, opinion and association. 
*Freedom of movement and asylum. 
*Rights of participation in cultural and family life. 
*Rights of Human Rights Defenders. 
*Rights of redress and accountability.

What are your plans to enjoy your human rights to the fullest this year? Like every other thing in life, it is the demand we place on the enjoyment of our human rights that will determine whether we'll have access to their enjoyment.

There are many things that prevent the enjoyment of our human rights; 
*Ignorance - We must make effort to know more and improve on our knowledge base. Knowledge is power.
*Sentiments - Don't be controlled by sentiments this year. Be practical, decisive and principled. Don't entertain anything you do not want in your life. Don't allow anyone or thing to hold you to ransom.
*Fear of the unknown - We sometimes settle for less than we deserve because we're afraid of leaving our comfort zones and grow. We need to be open to change and new experiences.
*The relationships we keep - Show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are. The associations and relationships we keep matter a lot. The quality of our lives is highly influenced by the relationships and associations we keep. Choose your friends wisely. Let go of old ones that have become redundant, cultivate the ones that are relevant and make new ones.
*Religion and Culture - Devotion to God and human laws should be based on knowledge and understanding. In all our getting, let's remember to get those too.
*Personal development - We see as far as we know. Let's consciously improve on our knowledge base this year. Know more, do more.

It's a year of new beginning. Let nothing or no one deny you of your human rights and the enjoyment.

Life is to be enjoyed and not to be endured!

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