Monday 25 January 2016


I thank God Almighty for keeping me alive and for making me one of the beneficiaries of HOSEI. Being one of the HOSEI beneficiaries makes me proud and makes me happy because I was able to learn a vocational skill and I really enjoyed the place because my boss is very lovely and teaches us diligently.

Whenever I use my skill at home or elsewhere, people praise me and my boss. They can't believe that in just six months, I have learnt and become so good. This makes me so proud of myself.

During our mentoring classes, I initially felt it was a waste of time, but after two Fridays, I started gaining something from it, and now it is really helping me because the way I approach people is quite different from before and I also comport myself better and I'm happy about that. I thank HOSEI for making such a class available to us. I am very grateful and I pray that God will continue to bless HOSEI.

- Mutiyat Baruwa

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