Monday, 19 October 2015


It is natural for a woman to love not only with her heart, but also with all within her disposal. This is because innately, a woman is a nurturer, life giver, destiny molder, life changer and a help mate. It is the desire of every woman that the man in her life should succeed in all his endeavors, and she is willing to do anything or pay any price for this to happen. No matter how challenged a man is, the presence of a good woman in his life will make a positive difference in his life.
Such is the power of a woman. There is no price too high to pay for the well-being of her man.

For at the back of a woman's mind is the expectation that her labour of love would be appreciated and rewarded by the man when he gets to his throne of success. That her sacrifices will not be in vain. That she will eat the fruits of her labour. No woman would willingly labour over a man that would use and dump her. No woman wants to waste her life on a man that will disappoint and betray her. It is a waste of time, resources and effort if at the end of the day, the man you stand by and labour over does not recognize, appreciate, acknowledge and reward your love when he is in a position to do so.

Everyone wants to reap where they have sown. However, there are some women that are not willing or ready to sow. They are only interested in ready made soup. And when they locate one, they will go to any extent to keep him till he is dry and empty. They don't care if their actions destroy another woman's life labour. It is their time, and they want to use it as they please.

While these category of women will not be a threat to some women because their husbands are not slaves to their genitals, they are to innocent women with husbands that are controlled by lust, greed and selfishness. Men that have no sense of loyalty and commitment to their wives and marriage.
That is why it is important for a wise woman not to be sentimental about her spouse. It is important to know the kind of person and husband he is. So that you can relate and deal with him accordingly.

If you know you are married to a man that has the mentality that "what is good is not for one person", you will be wise to prepare yourself for any eventuality. Don't be caught off guard. And search your heart to know if you can cope with that kind of life or not. If you can't, make a decision early. No man can change another. You can only change yourself. Women waste a lot of time on hopeless relationships because they think they can change the man. A wise woman channels her energy on things within her control. You, your thoughts, reactions, opinions, feelings, decisions and actions are the only things within your control. And it is when you master the art of being in control of yourself and your life that you can have influence on other people/things.

If you can't trust a man with your feelings, don't trust him with your life. The same goes for men. Life is not a sentimental issue. It is serious business. No one can afford to live life with sentiments. Such people are messed up and destroyed. This has nothing to do with religion, culture or sentiment. If you do not want to labour in vain, if you do not want to be messed up and destroyed, if you do not want to develop mental health problems, if you do not want to become a destitute in your middle to old age, please, you have to be careful who you trust with your life and substance. If your husband is not trust worthy, don't trust him. And don't commit into his hands precious things just because he is your husband. It's like seeing danger ahead and deliberately walking into it.

I know that in a healthy marital relationship, the man and his woman must trust themselves, without hiding anything from each other. I also know that not all marital relationships are healthy. As a wise woman, you must be honest with yourself about which category your marriage falls in, healthy or unhealthy, and act accordingly. If you notice signs of unfaithfulness and irresponsibility in your man, don't close your eyes to it. Investigate and always know the state of your relationship. Don't let go of the control of your life.

Know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Life is to be enjoyed and not to be endured!


  1. This is a great and fantastic work you're daughter of Zion. Am really impressed!

    1. Thank you ma'am. You are deeply appreciated.
