Wednesday, 14 October 2015


Woman, your spirit is your power house. Your true essence. The strength and power in your spirit determines how strong and successful your life is. The revelation in your spirit of who you are in the spirit realm and the love of your Creator for you makes your spirit rich and healthy.

It is with your spirit that you enjoy a love affair with your Creator. A love affair so intense, pure and satisfying that it removes all feeling of lack, hatred, frustration, regret, pain and shame from your being.

A love affair through which you are introduced to the purpose of your existence, the power of your Creator and the certainty of your victory in time and eternity. A love affair that fills you with love, humility, confidence, purpose, hope, courage, faith, determination and pleasure.

A love affair that makes your life untouchable to evil and evil doers. That gives you victory over every pain and disappointment in life. A love affair that saves you from abuse, violence and inhuman treatments from fellow human beings.

A love affair that gives you confidence, self worth, dignity, self respect, sound mind, beauty and power. Woman, you must love your spirit, and the only way to do this is to ensure that your spirit enjoys a love affair with her Creator, so that you can be all you are created to be and fulfill all the roles and responsibilities you have as a woman.

A woman that does not have a love affair by her spirit with her Creator will eventually have a broken spirit. A broken spirit  brought about by the experiences of abuse and trials suffered by women all over the world. Such a woman will lack a true sense of purpose and fulfillment, no matter the material or financial wealth at her disposal. No matter how loved she is by her loved ones.

It is the combination of the love a woman has for her body,  soul and spirit that makes her a complete and happy being.

A goddess, a queen, a force to be reckoned with.

Life is to be enjoyed and not to be endured!

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