Wednesday, 28 October 2015


Religion they say is the opium of the people. There are many different religions all over the world, some are however more popular than the others. Religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism are known everywhere in the world. While these religions have different beliefs and doctrines, they share a common belief, and that is belief in the existence and worship of a Supreme Being, God. The Creator of all things.

Procreation and companionship are also generally believed in all religions to be the purpose of the union between a man and woman in holy matrimony. The institution of marriage is sacred and honored in all religions, and its preservation is seen as a priority. Therefore, the elders, teachers and leaders of different religions formulated doctrines, rules and sentimental teachings meant to discourage the dissolution of marriage by either the man or woman in it. These doctrines directly or indirectly makes it a sin for either party in a marriage to leave, even on the ground of abuse. While some religions are more tolerant and open minded about the issue of divorce, some are rigidly against it, even if staying in the marriage will cost the victim of abuse and the children of the union their lives.

While the rigid religious people say by mouth that they are against abuse and violence in marriage, they condone it by demanding that abused victims should stay in an abusive relationship and bear the abuse. They hold such victims hostage in such abusive relationship with sentimental teachings and promise of a better tomorrow as a reward for their suffering and endurance. They pump the victims up with stories that will convince them that the abuse they are facing is of God and a test of their faith. They brain wash the victims into thinking the abuse is their fault, that they must strive at becoming better wives/husbands to their spouses by submitting and walking in love the more. They tell them that if they walk out of the marriage, they will be failing God and will pay for it in the afterlife. They hold victims bound by fear, manipulation and guilt. 
The painful thing is that some of these leaders, teachers and elders are misrepresenting the Deity they profess to know and serve. For the Supreme Being is a God of love. A good God that hates evil, injustice and unbalanced scale. While the Creator hates divorce, He definitely hates abuse and all the wicked deeds associated with it. So it's a great surprise that these elders, teachers and leaders fail to see this. Or is it that they know this truth but refuse to act in accordance to it because they are blinded by doctrines and laws? Or is the problem the patriarchal mentality that men are superior and can treat their wives as they want, without interference from anyone? Or could their tolerance and permissive attitude towards abuse be because some of them are guilty perpetrators of violence and abuse towards their wives at home?

For is it not being permissive towards abuse when the spouse of a leader in a religious setting reports the various abuse the leader is subjecting him/her to, to another leader with more superiority to their spouse, and all that is done by the leader is to advice and admonish him/her to stop, while he/she is allowed to continue serving as a leader. A teacher who beats and abuses his wife to the knowledge of his followers is still allowed to lead and is accorded the same respect and honor given to noble elders of repute. Is that not being permissive of domestic abuse? While religion is a necessary part of human existence, I strongly believe personal knowledge and revelation of the Supreme God is a must for all. For this is the only way one will be able to prevent being dogmatic to human teachings that can mislead and destroy one's life.

There are lots of religious people that do not practice what they preach.  There are lots of them that say one thing with their mouth but believe something else in their hearts. There are lots of them that are motivated and directed by greed and selfish motives. Many are the destinies that have been truncated by the counsel and instructions of these kind of people. Many are the lives that have been ruined.

I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. I live for and by Him. I strive to know Him the more every day. And no matter what anyone say to the contrary, I know that He is being misrepresented by some people that claim to be serving Him. The same might be the case in other religions. This truth makes necessary the need to know God, love Him, love your neighbors as yourself and love yourself too. God has given us our lives as a gift.  And while He expects us to love our neighbors, He definitely does not require us to love anyone more than ourselves. He expects us to make the best of the life He has given us, free from abuse.
All relationships are formed here on earth and they will end here also. It is a big mistake to allow any relationship to derail our lives from what we want it to be.

We are the architect of our destinies. We have full and total right over our lives. We must be very careful of who we share that right with. Stop trusting blindly. By their fruits you shall know them. Test all spirits. And above all, listen to your inner voice, follow your heart and stay true to yourself. It's your life and you bear the consequences of its success or failure, so be personally responsible for the decisions that will determine your lot in life.

Life is to be enjoyed and not to be endured!

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